Industrial Painters Queenstown

Professional interior and exterior industrial painting and washing services located in Queenstown.

Heavy duty demands and tough environmental conditions ask a lot from New Zealand’s industrial structures. Only with considerable experience and specialised expertise can the life of these assets be protected with confidence.

We paint and protect a wide variety of structures and have worked on everything from cranes to chair lifts, pipelines to penstocks, bridges to power stations.

We understand surfaces. Deteriorating surfaces can result in asset downtime and hefty repair costs. Maintaining surface integrity is the ultimate goal of our industrial painting team. With our knowledge of corrosion, climate and other potential threats, we target this goal accordingly. Our qualified coatings inspector provides valuable insight during planning, ensuring solutions are fit for purpose and clients enjoy lasting peace of mind.

We understand standards too. This isn’t the type of work that any painting company can step up to. Only with the right processes can the paintwork deliver the best solution. Only with unerring capability in site safety and project scoping and reporting can challenging areas be covered in the fastest, safest and most cost-effective manner possible.

Ten10’s reliable, experienced team will go the extra yards to ensure the best result, first time. Difficult industrial structures are what we do – and we do it well.

Our Industrial Services

Interior Painting

Exterior Painting

Building Washing

Spray Painting

Specialty Services

Industrial Projects